Kambah Bowl is a piece of Australian skateboarding history. It has been locked for many years, and people rarely jump the fence unless they are a pro skater that has come to town or a photographer as we were. The vintage skatepark has almost as much vert as a mega ramp. However, it was ahead of the time that shows the lack of steel coping on the edges. If you plan on skating the famous skate bowl, may we encourage you to bring a bucket as well as your broom as it is a little more complex than most to clean?

Skater Maps One Star Skatepark Rating

      KAMBAH BOWL WEATHER   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia   Kambah Bowl Skatepark ACT Australia
Eddison Skatepark

Eddison Skatepark

Eddison Skatepark once boasted of being the best skatepark in Australia when it was first opened in the late '2000s. Unluckily or luckily depending on which way you look at it, Eddison Skatepark is no longer even the best skatepark in Canberra as the famous Belconnen...

Weston Creek Skatepark

Weston Creek Skatepark

Weston Creek Skatepark was constructed in the early '2000s and once claimed Canberra's best skatepark title. Weston Creek Skatepark features a large concrete surface with some big transitions and open bowls. The skatepark is still very popular with scooters and...

Crace Ledges

Crace Ledges

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