Kiama Downs Skatepark is a pre-fab concrete park with a selection of quarters and banks on either side and a few street features in the middle.

The skatepark can be found in Gainsborough Oval, Kiama Downs and is not to be confused with the famous Kiama Skatepark that is located nearby.

The street features in the middle of the park include a mellow manny pad, a spine, euro-gaps and a rail. A standard pre-fab skatepark that is very similar to the rest of them.

Two Star Skatepark Rating | Skater Maps
Money Shot
Concrete Skate Bowl
Street Skatepark
Street Skatepark
flat square rail
Down ledges & gap
Street Section
New Young Skatepark
Skateboard Park
Skateboard Park
Skateboard Park
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Warren Skatepark

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