The old Cockatoo Skate Bowl has been upgraded to make it now an official ”skatepark”. The concrete bowl remains unchanged, although there have been some big upgrades with a new adjoining street section. 

Unfortuanetly the upgrades are still not yet deserving of an additional star rating, don’t get us wrong it, a dope little upgrade, but it’s still not quite a four star skatepark. 

Skater Maps Three Star Skatepark Rating
Alma Treloar Skate Park
Cockatoo Skatepark
New Skatepark
Skatepark Upgrades
Street Park
skate park Cockatoo
Street Features
Skatepark Extension
Street Skatepark
Quarter Ramps
Ledges, Rail & Quarter
Concrete Skate Bowl
Steel Coping
Skate Bowl
Cockatoo Vic
Clyde Skatepark – Warralilly Ave

Clyde Skatepark – Warralilly Ave

The new skatepark on Warralilly Ave is one of many fresh concrete creations to pop up in Clyde. Features include a volcano, slappy curbs, rails and banks. The concrete is smooth, and the features are mellow. This skatepark is more of a beginner's park, but we love...

Clyde North Skatepark – Bernardins Street

Clyde North Skatepark – Bernardins Street

The new Clyde North Skatepark on Bernadins Street is a small concrete skatepark with a few banks and ledges. The skatepark can be found in St Germain Playground. As to be expected, the park is surrounded by tanbark that has obviously made its way onto the concrete...

Cranbourne East Skatepark – McFarlan Way

Cranbourne East Skatepark – McFarlan Way

The new skatepark in Cranbourne East has fresh concrete, although that's about it. The skatepark has one very small and mellow euro-gap, a single flat rail and a couple of ledges. Unfortunately, the only rail is huge that only professional skaters would be able to...