Hidden between the high-rolling cars in the executive car park at Billabong HQ, a handful of street features can be found. This is a super unique idea as it is basically a DIY skatepark in a car park that has been properly made and is on private property.
We presume anyone can skate in this park, however out of respect, we didn’t attempt the kickflip to Mercedes Benz 50-50. Common sense applies, and best to skate after office hours. A super rad combination of street features that are all waxed and ready to hit.

The God Bowl
The famous God Bowl can be found next to Citipointe Church Brisbane in CHC - Christian Heritage College. The skatepark is half inside and half outside, so there is somewhere to skate regardless of rain, hail or shine. Inside features a large 5 ft half pipe. with an...
Wollongong Youth Services
Located in front of the Wollongong Youth Services is a rad DIY skatepark with a bunch of professionally made street obstacles. The Skatepark is part of the youth centre, along with a basketball court placed above bricks as a surface that is unique and rare to see. The...
Port Kembla DIY
The famous Port Kembla DIY Skatepark has attracted a lot of controversial conversations. Most DIY skateparks are more commonly discovered in abandoned commercial buildings on private property or hidden out of sight. Port Kembla DIY is unique as the homemade skatepark...