The Crib Point Skate Ramp is a metal half pipe mini ramp, just under vert, located next to Stony Point Road adjacent to the Crib Point Station and the small strip of shops. Word on the Street is that the mini is a cut down section of the old (think 90s) Mornington vert ramp. The ramp is fun but could be wider and have better drainage. If it’s been wet within the last week I wouldn’t bother unless you’ve just been to the doctor for your Tetanus Booster!

The Skater Maps team has given the Crib Point Skate Ramp Two Stars…Thoughts?

 Crib Point Skatepark Two Star Rating by Skater Maps       CRIB POINT SKATE RAMP WEATHER   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks   Crib Point Skate Ramp / Skateboard Ramp, Mornington peninsula Victoria skateparks  
Somerville Skate Park

Somerville Skate Park

The Mornington Peninsula Shire has invested 1.5 million big ones in the new Active Recreation Hub at Fruit Growers Reserve in Sommerville.  The skate park is reasonably sized spreading over 800 square meters. The park has an open flow with banks, transitions and...

Ballam Park Skatepark

Ballam Park Skatepark

Ballam Park Skatepark in Frankston is one of Victoria's newest skateparks. The large concrete skatepark wraps around a basketball court with features including humps, bumps, hips and banking corners that makes it feel more like an untraditional pump track rather than...

Mobile Skate Ramp

Mobile Skate Ramp

The Mornington Peninsula Shire has two Mobile Skate Ramps that are portable and move around the Peninsula from spot to spot. This one is currently located in Somerville to amuse the skaters whilst the new Summerville Skatepark is being built. Being one of only a few...

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