Jugiong Mini Ramp
The Jugiong Mini Ramp is a beloved skateboarding facility located in the charming town of Jugiong, Australia. Designed by renowned skate park architect, Chris "Ramp Wizard" Johnson, this meticulously crafted ramp offers skaters of all levels a thrilling and...
Culcairn Skate Park
Culcairn Skatepark is a vibrant and exciting destination for skateboarders and BMX riders located in the town of Culcairn, Australia. Nestled amidst picturesque surroundings, this skatepark offers a haven for enthusiasts of all skill levels to showcase their talents...
Goulburn Skate Park
The new, improved and updated Goulburn Skate Park has cemented its mark for Rural NSW skateparks. The park has always existed, however, has recently undertaken a huge redevelopment. They have tried to leave as much of the existing park as they could and added to it...