Mornington Skatepark is a pretty basic concrete slab and prefab park with half a dozen street style obstacles scattered about. The Skatepark is located off Dunns Road in the Mornington Civic Reserve (right next to the Adventure Playground).

Up one end the Skatepark there is a big bank (with quarter inserted into the middle) which shoots you into the park to take advantage of a series of ledges / manual pad or alternatively a relatively uninspiring looking sharp edged funbox. From here you can go up a split direction bank and drop back into the park. There are also some rails dotted around including a flat-down-flat, flat with gradual slope, big ledge or small manual pad. Finally there is a berm up one end of the park to shoot you around like a bobsledder.

After ten minutes of this you’ll be ready to sit down on the grass and watch the ducks swimming about in the lake.

There is also a half court b-ball court if you want to practice your windmill dunks.

P.S. The old Vert ramp is done and dusted! See the Crib Point mini page for further details…

Two Stars for Duck Watching.

 Mornington Skatepark       MORNINGTON SKATEPARK WEATHER   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard   Mornington Skatepark, Mornington Peninsula Victoria Skateparks, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Skateboard  
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