Whittington Skatepark or more commonly referred to as Whittington mini ramp can be found in Grinter Reserve, Moolap Vic. The skatepark is less than a ten minute drive from Geelong and in our opinion is one of the best mini’s in the area if it hasn’t rained. Reasonably mellow transitions on a smooth concrete surface with steel coping, what more could you want in a mini ramp? You can almost guarantee that you will get the skatepark to yourself as well which is always an added bonus.
Little River Skatepark
Little River Skatepark is a small concrete skatepark with a rail, two of ledges and a couple of quarters. The park is thin, but long and offers more then enough run up for the quarters at the end. The two quarters comprise of a more conventional 4ft and a larger 6ft....
Terang Skatepark
Terang Skatepark is a smooth concrete versatile skate space, offering ramps, transitions and heaps of street obstacles. Featuring a 5 ft mini ramp, several smaller quarters, stairs, rails, ledges, boxes and ramps. The compact skatepark offers a lot of options for its...
Norlane Skatepark
Norlane Skatepark, also known as North Shore Skatepark and Windsor Skate Park. The Concrete skatepark comprises of two skateparks adjacent to one another that link together enabling you to skate between the new and the old park. Unlike most renovated skateparks they...