The small street-orientated skatepark in Mooloolalah commonly referred to as Mooloolah Valley Skate Park is pushing well above its weight.
For a small park, it certainly jams in a lot of features that any skater, scooter or BMX’er would have no problems.
There are a couple of dope mini ramps with almost seamless transitions, a flat rail, banks, a manny pad and not much more, all located on a smooth concrete surface jam-packed into an economically small skatepark, or to be
Located in a parkland sanctuary with parkland, ovals, toilet facilities, a drinking fountain and much more, the Mooloolah Valley Skatepark.
Don’t forget to bring your shoes, as to access the park, you will have to cross the Bermuda Triangle full of bindies.

Nambour Skate Park
The old school Nambour Skate Park can be found in the centre of town, along the river in Petrie Park. The vintage skate bowl has a gnarly section with roll-in, steep, banking and inconsistent transitions and a small section consistent with inconsistent and outdated...
Aroona Skatepark
Aroona Skatepark can be found in the middle of Tumbledown Park. The skatepark is a small concrete park with an open flow and many mellow transitions. A super mellow open bowl with a rainbow quarter at one end. There are bands, a rail and ledges for the street skaters....
Alex Skate Park
Alexandra Headlands boasts one of the best skateparks on the Sunshine Coast and potentially the entire state of Queensland. The fresh concrete park has most of the features any modern skater would desire. There are two enclosed skate bowls and an open bowl street...