The Mossman Pump Track is located in Mossman, Queensland, Australia. It’s a popular spot for cycling enthusiasts and skateboarders.

A pump track is a type of cycling circuit that consists of a looping trail system with various features like berms, rollers and jumps. Riders use their body movements (“pumping”) to generate momentum and navigate the track without the need for pedalling.

The Mossman Pump Track offers a fun and skill-building experience for riders of all ages and skill levels. It’s a great place to practice bike handling, balance, and coordination. 

The pump track has seen several repairs over its short life. The humps and bumps are too small which makes it hard to generate speed. 

There is an undercover table and chairs section along with an adjacent skatepark. The pump track is currently the furthest north Pump Track in Australia, but hopefully that will be short-lived and we will see more pump tracks in far north Queensland. 

Skater Maps One Star Skatepark Rating
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