Constructed by Concrete Skateparks, the New Narangba Skatepark boasts a rad skate plaza that links into a super rad open flowing bowl.
The mellow open bowl is superbly designed and constructed. However, the location should have been a consideration, as the bowl is covered by berries that have fallen from the tree above. It is such a shame to see such a good skatepark with so much value-adding potential for the community going to waste because of the positioning of the park.
There are heaps of chalkies all over the park. We wouldn’t have had the battery power in our leaf blower to clean this park, so we snapped some picks, skidded out and hit the road.

Carole Park Skatepark
Located in the western urban sprawl of Brisbane lies a small street-orientated skatepark with several ledges, rails and quarters. The skatepark is in the surroundings of beautiful green grass thanks to a well-maintained rugby field and corresponding park. When you...
Bundamba Skate Park
Bundamba Skate Park, located in Queensland, has emerged as a popular destination for skateboarders, inline skaters, scooter rollers and BMX riders alike. With its impressive array of features, relatively smooth concrete, transitions and street obstacles, the skate...
Fred Ferguson Park Bowl
One of the more disappointing skateparks that we discovered in Brisbane. Our understanding is that it is meant to be some sort of bowl, although it looks a lot more like a dish or even a plate. The bowl belongs in the skatepark museum as it pre-dates any sort of...