This is a secrect mini ramp that can be found somewhere in Melbourne, Australia. The 3 ft mini skate ramp is one of the best in the country and has produced some of the states best skateboarders. Unfortuanetly this mini ramp is a friend of Skater Maps and not open to the public. VIP’s only!

Omeo Mini Ramp
The illusive Omeo Mini Ramp is behind the service station, just a hop, skip and a jump from the recently added Omeo Pump Track. The mini ramp is roughly 5 ft high and super thin. It will be hard to throw down your 50-50s as there is limited girth, although the other...
Newhaven Mini Skate Ramp
Newhaven Mini Skate Ramp is an old but still very rad and relevant steel mini ramp. The 3-foot mini is symmetrical besides a small extension on one side. There are stairs to lead you up to a rad little wooden platform that can be found on both sides. A super fun mini...
Myrtleford Skatepark
One of the biggest attractions in town, the famous Myrtleford Skatepark is a magical concrete jungle for hardcore skateboarders, bike enthusiasts and scooter punks that want to get some air under their wheels. The skatepark is huge and has been updated over the years...