Vic Uni Skatepark is more of a course than a conventional skatepark. The skatepark is on the corner of Rees Rd and Straughton St, Melton South. Vic Uni is roughly 1.5 meters wide and 50 meters long that connect together as a square. Featuring Two large 5ft humps with quarters running off each side without and coping and too far apart from one another to pump between. The skatepark also has a small 1.5-foot spine and standard box for the street skaters.

There is not much on offer for the street skaters or those looking for transitions, Nonetheless doing a few laps of the skatepark is still a lot more fun than going for a run. There are loads of awesome skateparks in and around melton, so probably worth checking them out first before wasting your time here.

 Skater Maps One Star Skatepark Rating       VIC UNI SKATEPARK WEATHER   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic   Vic Uni Skatepark Melton South Melbourne Vic
Endeavour Hills Skatepark

Endeavour Hills Skatepark

The New Endeavour Hills Skatepark made its mark on the skateboarding scene with its radical design that appeals to all skill levels. The large concrete park has an excellent bowl on one side while the other boasts an epic open flowing bowl with more features, hips and...

Clayton Station Skatepark

Clayton Station Skatepark

The Vic state government railway crossing project has made room for the new Clayton Station Skatepark. The street style park is built into a playground/basketball complex with table tennis tables, drinking fountains, play equipment of all sorts and a few skate...

Bailey Reserve Skatepark

Bailey Reserve Skatepark

Bailey Reserve Skatepark has replaced the old Bentleigh East Skatepark in Glen Eira, Vic. The new concrete skatepark is ''officially'' open and waiting for you to skateboard, scooter, skate, BMX, admire or even take pictures of, if you want to give the people what...

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