Replacing the old basketball court and located next the new court lies the tierd rusting Boggabilla Skatepark.
The skatepark sports three steel ramps, a flat rail and a bench.
The best feature in this skatepark is the bench table, not to be confused with a standard park table, this unique street feature is purpose built to skate with each seat bench set at a different height.
Something is always better than nothing. Plenty more space for a few more DIY obstacles.

Karuah Skate Park
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Rutherford Skatepark
Rutherford Skatepark is a popular recreational spot for skateboarders, scooter rollers and BMX riders located directly inland of Newcastle, Australia. This well-designed park offers a range of challenging street-orientated obstacles, making it an ideal destination for...
Andrews Park Skatepark
We were wrapped when we drove past this old-school skatepark when en route to the much newer Wauchope Skatepark that can be found on the other side of Andrews Park. This vintage skatepark is a testament to how far skatepark design and construction have come. The park...