Located in the serene coastal town of Bonny Hills, New South Wales, the Bonny Hills Skatepark has become a popular hotspot for bike riders, scooter enthusiasts, and skateboarders. This well-designed skatepark offers a range of features and challenges that cater to riders of all ages and skill levels.

The skatepark has been updated and upgraded over the years with a number of extensions along with regular maintenance. 

The Bonny Hills Skatepark offers an array of features that cater to different riding styles and skill levels. From flowing bowls and smooth transitions to challenging rails and ramps, the skatepark provides ample opportunities for riders to showcase their abilities and learn new tricks. 

The Bonny Hills Skatepark stands as an exciting and inclusive multisport destination for bike riders, scooter enthusiasts, and skateboarders.  Whether you’re seeking thrilling rides, skill progression, or connections within the multisport community, the Bonny Hills Skatepark is the place to be. 

Skater Maps Four Star Skatepark Rating
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Karuah Skate Park

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Rutherford Skatepark

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