Broulee Skate Bowl also referred to as Broulee Skate Park, is located in the heart of town right next to Broulee Beach. The skateboard park has a few ledges and banks surrounding the bowl for the street punks. However, it is basically just a single peanut or kidney-shaped skate bowl. The featured bowl in the middle of the park is super mellow relative to its size and comes fully equipped with the steel coping that we love to see. The concrete surface is starting to show its age, however still in relatively good condition. You can pump and swing your way around the hips like a pump track with heaps of lines to make your own.

Designed and built by Convic, Broulee Skate Park is by far the best skateboard destination in the vicinity.

The skateboard park also comes fully equipped with the standard basketball hoop but no net. BYO Basketball.

Skater Maps Three Star Skatepark Rating

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NSW Broulee
NSW skateboard Parks
Skate Bowl
NSW skateboard Parks
Skateparks Austalia
Skate Bowls
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