Buchanan Park Skatepark, also known as the Berwick Skatepark, has a lot to offer. Despite not having a mini ram, it manages to get away with an adjacent ramp that allows us to pump for days. Buchanan Park Skatepark also offers a great street section with rails and a box.

You will undoubtedly have a fun skate. Therefore, we have given it three out of five stars.

.Buchanan Park Skatepark 3 Stars

    BUCHANAN PARK SKATEPARK WEATHER   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-4   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-5   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-7   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-2   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-3   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-6   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-1   buchanan-victoria-skate-park-by-skater-maps-8
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