The town of Jamberoo has disappointed the local basketball community by placing an awesome modular pump track on the preexisting concrete surface. The basketball hoop remains, however you might get tripped up doing a layup.
When you get the hang of the pump track on the basketball court, you can start to use the humps in your favour, as one of them is pretty close to the ring and offers that dunking experience that many have previously fallen short.
The modular pump track is another beautiful creation from Parkiteck.
It is a small track with just a singular loop. However, riding it in reverse offers a completely different experience. Either side has symmetrical humps with three a piece. It is a standard design, but it works well. . Why not rinse and repeat a good thing?
The Jamberoo Pump Track is located next to the existing Jamberoo Skate Park, creating a versatile skate facility.
Griffith Pump Track
The New Griffith Pump Track was opened in 2022. The tar pump track was designed and built by dedicated and hard-working contractors at World Trial Pty Ltd. The Stronger Countries Community Fund financed the pump track with a $440,000 budget. The pump track is fun to...
Brompton Pump Track
Straight out of Brompton is one of if not the best pump track in Australia. A super rad design combined with freshcreet provides a super fun pump track. Brompton Estate has made it on the map and with steeze. A trendy spot with the kids on scooters and bikes and also...
Gundagai Pump Track
The Gundagai Pump Track is a super well thought out and designed pump track that would be rad to ride on a bike or scooter. Unfortunately, the concrete is very rough and not supper appealing for skaters unless you have a long or penny board with bigger wheels, brand...